@filmoteca amb Serra+Léaud 时间的流逝被放到显微镜下静默成为主宰每一次呼吸都仿佛一个世纪般漫长塞拉并没有变道具服装演员台词的繁复只是他重构另一个古典现场的质料工具其美学核心的极简凝练已经超脱画面本身成为了更深层的概念与精神11/12二刷@zumzeig amb Serra 肉体与精神恍如分离的演绎令人赞叹
"This is a democracy, comrades! The minister voted for a tango. That's his right." "Look after the boys, Maria, and to be a brave girl." "I would like to give you all the courage in the world to do everything you can, everything possible and honorable, to come back to me safe."